Lisboa Story Centre

Memories of the City



Lisboa Story Centre provides a unique experience of visiting the memories of Lisbon, from its founding to the present day. The exhibit consists of six Areas that share a selection of 17 chapters, numbered and titled, whose information is made available to the rhythm of the visitor through an audio-guide which is completely automatic.

The audio guide comprises a transmitter and a headphone. The device has a small screen that shows an illustration and the number of the chapter where the visitor is at the moment. The visit lasts aprox 60 minutes and audio guides are available in nine languages. Portuguese language has also a childrens version.

The exhibition is an interpretation based on filmic units, virtual animation, reconstitution of physical spaces and historical episodes, vessels replica and architectural structures in large-scale, printing of graphics and time projection.

The Areas and Chapters of the exhibition are the following:

AREA 1 - Myths and Realities

  • I - river, land, sea and sky
  • II - Mythical Origins
  • III - Crossroads Worlds
  • IV - City Walls

AREA 2 - Lisbon: Global City

  • V - Cosmopolitan City
  • VI - Warehouse World
  • VII - Beyond the Horizon
  • VIII - The Flying Padre
  • IX - Politics and Death
  • X - Magnificent City

AREA 3 - November 1, 1755

  • XI - The Church
  • XII - All Saints Day 1755
  • XIII - Earthquake
  • XIV - A city destroyed

AREA 4 - The Vision of Pombal

  • XV - Create a modern city
  • XVI - Rebuilding the city

AREA 5 - The Square: Politics and Pleasure

  • XVII - Commerce Square - politics and pleasure

AREA 6 - Virtual Lisbon 

On the top floor is the Virtual Lisbon lounge, where you can access to database that lists, date, describes and illustrates several episodes from the history of the city . The research is done by three touchscreens - available in Portuguese and English. One of the screens is connected to a large digital map that  graphically reproduces the  selected events.

Also in the top floor you visitors can access to two slideshows, consisting of some 'before/after' images and in the architecture of the city. This changes occur with physical movement of visitors.

Along the way filming and photography are allowed, with or without flash, except in Chapter XIII - Earthquake due to author royalties.


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